Committee Representation

If you are a committee representative and have recently attended a meeting, please submit a committee report form prior to the next GSS General Senate Meeting by clicking the button below.

Committee Report Form


Beginning in the Fall of 2019, each Senator or their designee will be required to sit on one committee per academic year. Such committees, which can be ad hoc or standing, can be either external or internal to the Graduate Student Senate. Proceedings of internal Graduate Student Senate committees will be reported by the Chairs of those committees. Proceedings of external committees will be reported by each Senator. All reports will be managed by the Executive Vice-Chair (§I-A-ii-a)

Below are the descriptions of the committees. If you are interested in serving on any of these committees, please email (  with the following*:

  • Your name, academic unit you represent, and contact information
  • Your top three preferences in committee assignments
  • Your rationale for serving on each committee (brief)

*those seeking to serve on the GFAC cannot be appointed and must seek nomination on the Senate floor at the next GSS monthly meeting, Monday, September 18th, 2023 at 12:30 PM in the KSU Governance Chambers.

Advisory Committee for Academic Assessment (AACA)

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



The purposes of the Advisory Committee on Academic Assessment are to serve the university as the primary advisory body to the Office of Accreditation, Assessment and Learning. Members serve as liaison for assessment ideas and issues to their constituencies while fulfilling their committee responsibilities as university citizens. Members may also provide leadership to academic units as they help foster the implementation of a comprehensive academic assessment plan for the university.

ACAA Website

College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Zach Morris


This committee reviews curriculum standards and advocate for potential changes to existing curriculum guidelines within the College of Arts and Sciences. Meetings are at 3:30 PM via Microsoft Teams on the following Thursdays:
September 7; September 21; October 12; October 19; November 9; November 16; December 7

Committee on Administrative Officers

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Emily Erb

Matthew Craig

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

Educational Policies Committee/Graduate Council

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



The educational policies council shall be concerned with conceptual and structural aspects of long-range academic planning; overall curricular planning; the arbitration of interdepartmental and intercollegial curricular disputes; the conformity of collegial and departmental curricular programs and proposals to university-wide policies; the establishment, inactivation or significant revisions of academic programs; the establishment or discontinuance of bodies or agencies that are directly related to academic programs; the standards for admission and graduation of students; library policies and facilities; and such matters as may be referred to it by college curriculum committees, advisory councils or the faculty senate that are related to issues that affect undergraduate and graduate education. An executive body of the council shall prepare the agenda for council meetings and shall transact routine business for the council between meetings. All commissions appointed to consider academic planning for the university shall report to the council. Meetings are at 3:20 PM via Microsoft Teams on the following Mondays:
2023 – August 21; September 18; October 16; November 20; December 4
2024 – January 22; January 29; February 19; March 18; April 15; May 20

EPC Website

EPC subcommittee - Internationalization Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Victor Torres


Provide consultation on a comprehensive strategy in utilizing international partnerships to align with the university’s priorities. Develop guidance to colleges for international partnerships, strategies and goals. Review strategic partnerships that require a review of curriculum, investment of university resources or commitment of faculty.

EPC subcommittee - Transfer Credit Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Daniel Scheibe


Review university-wide transfer policies and procedures. Review credit requests for alternative learning credentials and applicability to college programs and/or university requirements through consultation with and approval from faculty affected by this credentialing toward their programs. Recommend new and revised policies on the transfer of credits and awarding of Kent State credit/courses for special examinations and alternative learning credentials with and approval from faculty who apply the credit hours to their programs.

EPC subcommittee - Graduate Policy Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Matthew Craig


Determine immediate and long-range goals for graduate academic policies that provide a supportive learning environment for graduate students while upholding the scholarship, academic rigor and intellectual integrity of a Kent State graduate education. Review graduate education issues that have been raised by the faculty, students and administrators/admin/staff and determine if the issue warrants recommendation of a new or revised policy. Review proposals submitted to the EPC to establish or revise graduate academic policies, ensuring that such proposals align with the mission of the university, do not create unintended obstacles for student success and comply with institutional, state and federal regulations. Consult with internal and external sources and stakeholders, including those who will be affected directly by the policies and those who will be responsible for implementing and enforcing the policies. Set and maintain a timeline for review of current graduate academic policies and procedures.

EPC - (All) Hypothetical Combined

Educational Policies Committee/Graduate Council (EPC)

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



The educational policies council shall be concerned with conceptual and structural aspects of long-range academic planning; overall curricular planning; the arbitration of interdepartmental and intercollegial curricular disputes; the conformity of collegial and departmental curricular programs and proposals to university-wide policies; the establishment, inactivation or significant revisions of academic programs; the establishment or discontinuance of bodies or agencies that are directly related to academic programs; the standards for admission and graduation of students; library policies and facilities; and such matters as may be referred to it by college curriculum committees, advisory councils or the faculty senate that are related to issues that affect undergraduate and graduate education. An executive body of the council shall prepare the agenda for council meetings and shall transact routine business for the council between meetings. All commissions appointed to consider academic planning for the university shall report to the council. Meetings are at 3:20 PM via Microsoft Teams on the following Mondays:
2023 – August 21; September 18; October 16; November 20; December 4
2024 – January 22; January 29; February 19; March 18; April 15; May 20

EPC Website

EPC – Internationalization Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Victor Torres


Provide consultation on a comprehensive strategy in utilizing international partnerships to align with the university’s priorities. Develop guidance to colleges for international partnerships, strategies and goals. Review strategic partnerships that require a review of curriculum, investment of university resources or commitment of faculty.

EPC – Transfer Credit Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Daniel Scheibe


Review university-wide transfer policies and procedures. Review credit requests for alternative learning credentials and applicability to college programs and/or university requirements through consultation with and approval from faculty affected by this credentialing toward their programs. Recommend new and revised policies on the transfer of credits and awarding of Kent State credit/courses for special examinations and alternative learning credentials with and approval from faculty who apply the credit hours to their programs.

EPC – Graduate Policy Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Matthew Craig


Determine immediate and long-range goals for graduate academic policies that provide a supportive learning environment for graduate students while upholding the scholarship, academic rigor and intellectual integrity of a Kent State graduate education. Review graduate education issues that have been raised by the faculty, students and administrators/admin/staff and determine if the issue warrants recommendation of a new or revised policy. Review proposals submitted to the EPC to establish or revise graduate academic policies, ensuring that such proposals align with the mission of the university, do not create unintended obstacles for student success and comply with institutional, state and federal regulations. Consult with internal and external sources and stakeholders, including those who will be affected directly by the policies and those who will be responsible for implementing and enforcing the policies. Set and maintain a timeline for review of current graduate academic policies and procedures.

Faculty Senate

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Emily Erb

Matthew Craig

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

Faculty Senate - Budget Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Mercy Omohoro

Matthew Craig

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

FS - (All) Hypothetical Combined

Faculty Senate

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Emily Erb

Matthew Craig

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.


Faculty Senate – Budget Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Mercy Omohoro

Matthew Craig

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC)

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:


Daniel Scheibe

This Committee advises and makes recommendations to the President and assists the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics in the planning and execution of the Intercollegiate Athletics Program. Matters within the purview of the Committee may include, but are not necessarily limited to what is found in the link bellow.

PDF Link

University Libraries Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

LP Coladangelo

Henry Moye

The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

Public Safety Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



This is a recommendatory body whose purpose is to study and make recommendations to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration concerning public safety services, policies, staffing, operations, community policing strategies, and other public safety matters relative to campus safety and security.

PDF Link

Student Media Board

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Kimberly Beasley

Open (must NOT be a Senator/


As a standing University committee, the Student Media Board serves “as the institutional publisher” for Student Media. The SMB is primarily responsible for selecting student leaders, approving annual budgets and hearing any grievances that cannot be otherwise resolved. The SMB does not dictate or determine editorial content. Responsibility for day-to-day editorial operations belongs to the selected student leaders. The Director of Student Media is responsible for day-to-day business operations and long term strategy for Student Media. The board consists of students, staff and faculty from across the university, as well as media professionals outside of KSU.

Kent State Student Media Website

Transportation Advisory Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



This is a recommending body whose purpose is to study and make recommendations to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration concerning campus traffic, parking, and transit services’ policies, services, and related issues.

PDF Link

University Council on Technology

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



The Council serves as the University’s advisory body for information technology and shall work in collaboration with the University community to lead the advancement of scholarship through the appropriate integration of technology. Along with its standing committees on academic technology services and administrative computing, the Council will (1) take an inventory of present technology resources; (2) develop a coherent technology vision for the University; and (3) propose policy to promote overall University technology development. The Council will make their recommendations to the Provost and to the Vice President for Information Technology.

PDF Link

University Teaching Council

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



The Council shall support and facilitate the teaching mission of the University by studying and recommending policies to enrich and enhance teaching and curriculum development, recommending priorities for support of teaching and curriculum development, recommending faculty teaching development awards, collecting information on teaching and curriculum development, and publicizing teaching and curriculum development of the University.

PDF Link

Equal Access Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Beth Nahlik


The purpose of this paragraph is to leave an area for which a description of the selected committee would be placed and described in further detail than the simple listed name of the committee. Additionally, it’s purpose is also the leave an impression of how much space such a discription may take up or require and how that description would look in a given area. Bla Bla Bla.

Coordinated Community Response Team

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:



Kent State University’s Coordinated Community Response Team (CCR) is a comprehensive, collaborative and person-centered team that addresses sexual and relationship violence which includes prevention, education and response/recovery components. The responsibility of the CCR is to educate the university community about sexual assault, to provide anti-violence programming and support services, and to encourage all community members to speak out when witnessing violence. The CCR is comprised of three committees. Additionally they have two ad hoc groups.

Coordinated Community Response Team Website

DEI Strategic Alignment Committee

Rep. 1:

Rep. 2:

Irina Milke Pavlova


This is a new committee that will include DEI professionals across multiple divisions and colleges, with the goal of increasing collaboration and communication regarding DEI work at the university. This space will be beneficial to share the graduate student experience and perspective on things happening on campus.

Graduate Financial Allocations Committee (GFAC)

Need 9 Representatives

This committee is an internal GSS committee. This committee is a fact-finding body charged with investigating and advising the Graduate Student Senate and its Executive Officers on budgetary issues, which shall include but not limited to: Reviewing the impact of previous and current Graduate Student Senate Academic Year Budget(s) on purposes outlined in Ohio Admin Code §3342:2-09-C; Reviewing the current allocation procedures set forth in the Graduate Student Senate Bylaws and determining compliance status for previous academic years as executed and communicated, anticipated budget shortfall and evaluating if fundraising is needed (and propose allocations of all funds required through fundraising efforts in addition to proposed goals for fundraising); Graduate student priorities with regard to to Graduate Student Senate funds allocations as we move forward under the impression that University funding will decrease year over year (funding priorities concerning allocation for Grad Fest, allocation for food at meetings, symposiums, and other large events, and allocation for awards); Considering recent budget shortfalls reported by the 2022-2023 session, this committee will also be charged with reviewing previous and current allocations, procedures, and communications to the effect of identifying possible actions to be taken by the Graduate Student Senate to avoid said shortfalls from occurring again, aiming for transparency in fiduciary decisions and communications. Those seeking nomination for this committee should make themselves known at the next GSS monthly meeting, Monday, September 18th, 2023 at 12:30 PM in the KSU Governance Chambers. More information about this committee can be found by emailing the Executive Vice-Chair.

Equal Access and Opportunities Committee (EAOC)

No limit on graduate student representatives

This committee is an internal GSS committee. This committee is charged with investigating and advising the Graduate Student Senate, as well as Kent State University, on issues of discrimination and harassment based on race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation, which shall include, but are not limited to: Assessing the climate of graduate students at Kent State University to best understand the experience and feelings of graduate students; Assessing areas on campus (academic programs, organizations, etc.) in which there is a prevalence of discrimination and harassment based on race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation; Collaborate with organizations on campus including but not limited to KSU’s Title IX office and CARES team to provide interventions for areas on campus including but not limited to academic programs and organizations in which there is a prevalence of discrimination and harassment based on race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation; Create a safe space where students can express concerns and experiences to ensure students feel heard, understood, and supported; Provide information to graduate students pertaining to resources on campus should a student experience discrimination and harassment based on race, sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Those interested in serving on this committee should email the Executive Chair or Advocacy Chair to express interest or attend committee meetings.